Our Lead Pastors
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
Ron and Belinda Rayon have a passion for intimacy with God and to see HIs Kingdom come on earth as in heaven. They desire to see many come to faith in Christ Jesus who is the Living Son of God. In Jesus, we have Eternal Life and follow Him in water baptism and being filled with the Holy Spirit; we live the God kind of life both now and forever. Ron and Belinda invite you to join them on this exciting journey with Jesus.
Ron and Belinda are both ordained ministers with Christian International (https://christianinternational.com). Ron completed his Biblical studies at Berean School of the Bible. Belinda is a graduate of Rhema Bible College and Domata School of European Missions. They have been pastors for over 20 years and minister in the nations.
Ron and Belinda have extensive marketplace experience and teach in Schools of Evangelism, Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry, Deliverance and Marketplace Ministries like “7MKI (Seven Mountain Kingdom Influencers)”.
Pastors Ron and Belinda are leading our local fellowship of believers: helping them come to their highest calling as sons and daughters of God, discovering their God given gifts and equipping them to demonstrate the Kingdom of God in their spheres of influence.